Friday 14 October 2011


A Story About my Cat

My cats name is mimi she is black and white short hair and beautiful.I have had her since she was a kitten.She is a very friendly easy going love able feline .Mimi who i have become very fond of lived indoors most of her young life.As she became older she require the taste of the out doors.

And so she lives out doors now she seems to enjoy it very much.Even tho it broke my heart that were i let her stay,for that where she seems to be the happy'est.We live a mile or two outside of town,so she gets to run like a free bird.I guess cats were born for freedom.I feed her and check her out every day to make sure she is healthy.Than i pet her and tell her that i love her.When i go off to work i tell her i will see her when i get home.

A few weeks ago i went hunting the funnest thing happen. Mimi went with me.As i sat down she came over and sat beside me.We sat there for awhile and i saw a squirrel in the forks of a tree .We sat there for a little while longer until i could get a good shot on it or so i thought.But when i shot it fell back in the fork in the tree.Well when i shot i figure pickachew would take off.Nope she did'nt she look at me than the tree.Next thing i know she takes off and climbs the tree got the squirrel and brought it back to me.
Now i feel i miss so much to she..
I have stop write now,ok thank you for read!!

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