Tuesday 18 October 2011

Cameran Higlands mero History..

   The Mossy Forest in Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands is an amazingly rich 200,000 year old forest with deep green moss, ancient trees and fresh dewy mist that gives it a mystical aura. For this reason, it is no surprise at all that this hauntingly beautiful forest was chosen for some of the outdoor scenes for the 2005 Malay historical blockbuster, Puteri Gunung Ledang.
The Mossy Forest in Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands is an amazingly rich 200,000 year old forest with deep green moss, ancient trees and fresh dewy mist that gives it a mystical aura. For this reason, it is no surprise at all that this hauntingly beautiful forest was chosen for some of the outdoor scenes for the 2005 Malay historical blockbuster, Puteri Gunung Ledang. It has also been a location for a string of local advertisements.
    Typically, the term “mossy forest” is derived from the abundance of mosses covering the ground and vegetation. Mossy forests are technically known as cloud forests because of the cloud cover over rich, tropical, forests where moisture from the low, persistent clouds is well retained; thereby resulting in permanent moisture and reduced sunlight which gives an abundance of rich moss, epiphytes, peats, humus and fern covering to the boggy ground. The resulting “evapotranspiration” from this low cloud condition also stunts or dwarfs trees to 10m and below, thus giving their trunks and branches are gnarled, twisted look. Another interesting feature of the Mossy Forest is “fog drip”, where fog condenses on the leaves and drops below, giving it a permanent feel of drizzle and fresh dew, which can never be experienced in the cities.
This condition is also favorable for orchids – and there are a few rare species of this beautiful flower found in the highlands. The forest is also home to “pitcher” plants or scientifically known as “Nephentes”. They are carnivorous plants with a liquid filled deep cavity called “pitfall traps” which attract small insects that drown in it. The plant then feeds from the insect that has dissolved in the liquid that contains enzymes secreted by the plant itself. Besides this rather interesting plant, a variety of other strange plants (some poisonous) and medicinal herbs can also be found here, which only the Orang Asli and local guides are familiar with. The trail to the Mossy Forest starts from Sungai Palas Boh Tea Plantation and takes approximately 10-15 minutes by road. A four wheel drive (4WD) will fare better along the narrow and brutally curvy roads that lead to the peak of Gunung Brinchang. Do take your time to enjoy wide variety of vegetation, the silent creatures and the surreal atmosphere of the forest.
At the peak of Gunung Brinchang, approximately 300m away from the mossy forest is the Lookout Tower. This 3 storey, 50ft tower gives a magnificent view of Gunung Brinchang and on a good clear day, the view spreads all the way to neighboring state, Perak.
      Gunung Brinchang being the highest point in Malaysia accessibly by road, makes the Mossy Forest the highest “cloud forest” available for trekking/visiting. With it's combination of a rich presence of mysterious aura, an amazingly wide variety of flora and fauna together with an interesting array of silent creatures - it is definitely Cameron’s best kept secret and a place not to be missed. 

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