Wednesday 19 October 2011

Mom i miss YOU...

I miss my parents. Especially my mother. What to do?

     Back then, atleast two years ago, my family was happy. My parents made good money, and were so interractive. They made dinner every night, were home when my sister and I were. Sat down with us when we did our homework and helped us study or taught us new things. Now it's nothing like that. Sure, I'm older now. I'm fourteen. I'm more independant and responsible. But I've grown tired from feeling so disconnected from my parents. My dad had quit his job. (long time ago), where he works with patients. He doesn't make as much money anymore.. So I barely see him. I miss him, a lot. My mom works one job,and makes low income. She is the person I miss the most. My mom and I are pretty close, we dont talk about girl problems or anything though. Before, she was this bright, positive person, whom I thought was my role model. Before, she was happy with the way she looked. She had joined a program called weight watchers to stay in shape and lose the weight she didn't want. That was when I saw her happiest. Now, she has gained weight and dislikes the way she looks. She always calls herself a fat pig or fatass (excuse my language,sorry) or just plain fat. She always makes comments about her weight. And how she doesn't have the energy to go get groceries or go to the gym. Its understandable. But in my eyes, she's beautiful just the way she is. I haven't told her that, but I don't want to encourage her to eat more when she wants to lose weight and be happy but then at the same time she doesn't want to because she has no energy and says she'll gain it all back. I've caught her crying at times, she has depression. and it worries me.
     She used to make dinner everynight and all of us used to sit together at the dinner table. Now she makes dinner once a week. And for the other six days we eat leftovers and frozen food, whenever youre hungry by yourself. I miss that quality time. I dont have time for myself anymore. Im always either working on schoolwork, doing chores after chores, or trying to keep the house clean because nobody else will,and if I don't then i get yelled at for not doing anything to help the family. So I try to stay ontop of my game to keep them satisfied and off my back. Money is extremely low. Economy sucks, and my parents are having a hard time paying bills. I try not to consume so much food to save money..turn off the lights, fan, barely use my phone. I mean, I'm greatful for everything my parents have done for me, and i know theyre so stressed out with everything. I want to help them. But I miss them. Especially my mother. And its putting a big impact on me. How can I tell them/or her alone? How do i even approach them/her? I didn't realize this would be so long. Sorry about that. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!

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