Saturday 22 October 2011

Celebrated by Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

~ Hari Raya Aidil Fitri ~

The most significant celebration for Muslims, Eid al Fitr, it signifies the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. Known locally as Hari Raya Puasa or Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, the celebration is determined by sighting of the new moon on the day, before the next month on the Muslim calendar, Syawal.

The words ‘Hari Raya’ means 'day of celebration.' 

Ramadan is the name of the one-month fasting period when Muslims fast from dawn till sunset. During the period of fasting, apart from eating and drinking, Muslims are also forbidden from smoking and having sexual relations. Only the sick are excused from fasting during this month. Muslims are expected to avoid lying, breaking promise or cheating during the month of Ramadan. It is to remind them of the plight of the poor and to cleanse themselves by exercising abstinence and self-control. Even the young are taught to fast.

The Celebration
Muslims starts the day by wearing new clothes and congregating in the mosques early in the morning to perform Hari Raya Puasa prayers followed by visiting the graves of the departed. The young will ask for forgiveness from their elders and have open house for relatives and friends to come to their house. Plenty of traditional Malay delicacies are served during this festive season. Houses are thoroughly cleaned and decorated, and lighting of oil lamps welcomes the angels which are believed to be visiting the earth during the seven days preceding the festival. The celebration lasts for a month but most of the celebration is concentrated in the first three days


Visiting Muslim homes on Hari Raya Puasa, you can expect to taste a wide
variety of delicious spicy dishes. Some favourite dishes that can be found in
Muslims homes on this special occasion are ketupat, lontong, nasi padang
and beef rendang. The Muslims also give packets of money to kids when they go visiting. The packets are usually green in colour and children often look forward to getting these money tokens on Hari Raya Puasa. Overall, Hari Raya Puasa is a joyous occasion for Muslims.

How to Celebrate Christmas.

  On Christmas Day, people gather with family and friends to enjoy a festive meal and exchange gifts as they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.Send Christmas cards to family and friends wishing them a merry Christmas and a happy new year.Set up a live or artificial Christmas tree in your home. Decorate it with ornaments and lights.Hang mistletoe in a doorway. It is traditional for people to kiss when they stand underneath this small, scented sprig.Place lights and other decorations on the outside of your house and on your outdoor shrubs and trees.Buy gifts for family and friends and pile them under the tree.Hang stockings from your mantel so Santa can leave little items inside when he visits.Ask your children to write down a wish list of the toys they would like to receive.Share the list with Santa Claus so he can fill their requests. Expect him to arrive on Christmas Eve in a sled drawn by reindeer, carrying a red sack filled with gifts.Play Christmas music in your house to get in the holiday spirit; some popular choices include "Silent Night" and "Deck the Halls."
Prepare a huge Christmas feast with foods such as turkey, ham, stuffing and vegetables; serve mince pie for dessert. Include other favorite recipes from your childhood holiday meals.Attend church on Christmas Eve.
Remember that the true meaning of the season is really about giving.


    Celebrated by Hindus which is known as 'Deepavali'.

          A colorful festival that is celebrated by all Hindus worldwide is Deepavali, which is also known as the festival of lights. This festival usually falls around late October and November. One important practice that the Hindus follow during the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes on Deepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the Hindus are thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge, peace and wealth that they have received. The Hindus consider Deepavali as one of the most important festivals to celebrate.

    The Legend -
          There is even an interesting legend behind this festival. The story goes that Narakasura, a demon, ruled the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram. Under his rule, the villagers suffered a lot of hardship as the demon tortured the people and kidnapped the women to be imprisoned in his palace. Seeing his wickedness, Lord Khrishna set out to destroy the demon and the day Narakasura died was celebrated as Deepavali, the triumph of good over evil!
        I which Happy Deepavali to all people especially for hindus people,ok bye....

    Thursday 20 October 2011

    Masjid Kristal at Kuala Terennganu..

         The Crystal Mosque or Masjid Kristal is a mosque in Kuala Terengganu,Terengganu, Malaysia. The mosque is located at  Islamic Heritage Park on the island of Wan man. The mosque was constructed between 2006 and 2008. It was officially opened on 8 February 2008 by 13th Yang Dipertuan,Sultan Zainal Abidin
    However, in a newspaper report o fBernama, on October 26th 2008, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi commented on this building having Chinese characteristics and called on the people to not be cynical about these types of mosques and focus more on the teachings of Islam. He said this because of concern on the Malay people not wanting to shaere  mosque characteristics with the Muslim-Chinese people.

    Wednesday 19 October 2011

    Mom i miss YOU...

    I miss my parents. Especially my mother. What to do?

         Back then, atleast two years ago, my family was happy. My parents made good money, and were so interractive. They made dinner every night, were home when my sister and I were. Sat down with us when we did our homework and helped us study or taught us new things. Now it's nothing like that. Sure, I'm older now. I'm fourteen. I'm more independant and responsible. But I've grown tired from feeling so disconnected from my parents. My dad had quit his job. (long time ago), where he works with patients. He doesn't make as much money anymore.. So I barely see him. I miss him, a lot. My mom works one job,and makes low income. She is the person I miss the most. My mom and I are pretty close, we dont talk about girl problems or anything though. Before, she was this bright, positive person, whom I thought was my role model. Before, she was happy with the way she looked. She had joined a program called weight watchers to stay in shape and lose the weight she didn't want. That was when I saw her happiest. Now, she has gained weight and dislikes the way she looks. She always calls herself a fat pig or fatass (excuse my language,sorry) or just plain fat. She always makes comments about her weight. And how she doesn't have the energy to go get groceries or go to the gym. Its understandable. But in my eyes, she's beautiful just the way she is. I haven't told her that, but I don't want to encourage her to eat more when she wants to lose weight and be happy but then at the same time she doesn't want to because she has no energy and says she'll gain it all back. I've caught her crying at times, she has depression. and it worries me.
         She used to make dinner everynight and all of us used to sit together at the dinner table. Now she makes dinner once a week. And for the other six days we eat leftovers and frozen food, whenever youre hungry by yourself. I miss that quality time. I dont have time for myself anymore. Im always either working on schoolwork, doing chores after chores, or trying to keep the house clean because nobody else will,and if I don't then i get yelled at for not doing anything to help the family. So I try to stay ontop of my game to keep them satisfied and off my back. Money is extremely low. Economy sucks, and my parents are having a hard time paying bills. I try not to consume so much food to save money..turn off the lights, fan, barely use my phone. I mean, I'm greatful for everything my parents have done for me, and i know theyre so stressed out with everything. I want to help them. But I miss them. Especially my mother. And its putting a big impact on me. How can I tell them/or her alone? How do i even approach them/her? I didn't realize this would be so long. Sorry about that. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!

    Tuesday 18 October 2011

    Cameran Higlands mero History..

       The Mossy Forest in Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands is an amazingly rich 200,000 year old forest with deep green moss, ancient trees and fresh dewy mist that gives it a mystical aura. For this reason, it is no surprise at all that this hauntingly beautiful forest was chosen for some of the outdoor scenes for the 2005 Malay historical blockbuster, Puteri Gunung Ledang.
    The Mossy Forest in Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands is an amazingly rich 200,000 year old forest with deep green moss, ancient trees and fresh dewy mist that gives it a mystical aura. For this reason, it is no surprise at all that this hauntingly beautiful forest was chosen for some of the outdoor scenes for the 2005 Malay historical blockbuster, Puteri Gunung Ledang. It has also been a location for a string of local advertisements.
        Typically, the term “mossy forest” is derived from the abundance of mosses covering the ground and vegetation. Mossy forests are technically known as cloud forests because of the cloud cover over rich, tropical, forests where moisture from the low, persistent clouds is well retained; thereby resulting in permanent moisture and reduced sunlight which gives an abundance of rich moss, epiphytes, peats, humus and fern covering to the boggy ground. The resulting “evapotranspiration” from this low cloud condition also stunts or dwarfs trees to 10m and below, thus giving their trunks and branches are gnarled, twisted look. Another interesting feature of the Mossy Forest is “fog drip”, where fog condenses on the leaves and drops below, giving it a permanent feel of drizzle and fresh dew, which can never be experienced in the cities.
    This condition is also favorable for orchids – and there are a few rare species of this beautiful flower found in the highlands. The forest is also home to “pitcher” plants or scientifically known as “Nephentes”. They are carnivorous plants with a liquid filled deep cavity called “pitfall traps” which attract small insects that drown in it. The plant then feeds from the insect that has dissolved in the liquid that contains enzymes secreted by the plant itself. Besides this rather interesting plant, a variety of other strange plants (some poisonous) and medicinal herbs can also be found here, which only the Orang Asli and local guides are familiar with. The trail to the Mossy Forest starts from Sungai Palas Boh Tea Plantation and takes approximately 10-15 minutes by road. A four wheel drive (4WD) will fare better along the narrow and brutally curvy roads that lead to the peak of Gunung Brinchang. Do take your time to enjoy wide variety of vegetation, the silent creatures and the surreal atmosphere of the forest.
    At the peak of Gunung Brinchang, approximately 300m away from the mossy forest is the Lookout Tower. This 3 storey, 50ft tower gives a magnificent view of Gunung Brinchang and on a good clear day, the view spreads all the way to neighboring state, Perak.
          Gunung Brinchang being the highest point in Malaysia accessibly by road, makes the Mossy Forest the highest “cloud forest” available for trekking/visiting. With it's combination of a rich presence of mysterious aura, an amazingly wide variety of flora and fauna together with an interesting array of silent creatures - it is definitely Cameron’s best kept secret and a place not to be missed. 

    Sunday 16 October 2011

    today about zapin!!

        Zapin (Jawi: زافين) is a dance form that is popular in Malaysia(especially in the state ofJohor) and inIndonesia, especially in Malay-populated provinces in Sumatera (Riau Province, Jambi Province, Riau Island Province,North Sumatera , andBangka-Belitung Island) and West Kalimantan. It is believed to have been introduced by Arab,Muslim missionaries from the Middle East in the fourteenth century.In the old days, only males were allowed to perform; nowadays, female dancers are included. It used to be performed exclusively for religious ceremonies but through the years it has become a form of traditional entertainment, hence the participation of female dancers is allowed.
         The dancers usually perform in pairs and are accompanied by a traditional music ensemble which normally consists of the gambus,accordion,rebab,marwas (bongos), rebana (drum) and dok.There are numerous types of zapin, and each type varies by the movement and style of dance.For example Zapin Melayu Johor,Zapin Pulau,Zapin Tenglu,Zapin Tenglu 2,Zapin Lenga,Zapin Pekajang and Zapin Arab
         Every evening i will practis the zapin because nexts week my group have presentesion.I will happy cant study zapin,the zapin very nice!!

    Saturday 15 October 2011


     Kids Need Love.
    A father just came home from work. His son was waiting for him at the door. As he came in, his son asked "How much do you make an hour, daddy?" Being tired from work the man was very angry that his son had asked him this. He said "Your mother doesn't even know that!" "But please daddy, how much do you make an hour?" The man said

    "Fine, I make 25$ an hour." Hearing that the son left the room.
    After some time, his son came back to him and asked, " Daddy will you please give me 10$?"
    But he was too tired to do anything. So he just told his son to leave him alone.

    That night he felt bad for the way he treated his little boy. So he got out of bed and went to his
    son's room. The boy was still awake. He went over to him and gave him the $10 he had asked
    for. Immediately the son picked up his piggybank, took out all the money from it and kept
    everything on his daddy's hand. The man didn't understand what's going on, so he asked
    his son, "What's the matter son?" His son replied," Daddy I want to buy one hour of your time......."

    Friday 14 October 2011


    A Story About my Cat

    My cats name is mimi she is black and white short hair and beautiful.I have had her since she was a kitten.She is a very friendly easy going love able feline .Mimi who i have become very fond of lived indoors most of her young life.As she became older she require the taste of the out doors.

    And so she lives out doors now she seems to enjoy it very much.Even tho it broke my heart that were i let her stay,for that where she seems to be the happy'est.We live a mile or two outside of town,so she gets to run like a free bird.I guess cats were born for freedom.I feed her and check her out every day to make sure she is healthy.Than i pet her and tell her that i love her.When i go off to work i tell her i will see her when i get home.

    A few weeks ago i went hunting the funnest thing happen. Mimi went with me.As i sat down she came over and sat beside me.We sat there for awhile and i saw a squirrel in the forks of a tree .We sat there for a little while longer until i could get a good shot on it or so i thought.But when i shot it fell back in the fork in the tree.Well when i shot i figure pickachew would take off.Nope she did'nt she look at me than the tree.Next thing i know she takes off and climbs the tree got the squirrel and brought it back to me.
    Now i feel i miss so much to she..
    I have stop write now,ok thank you for read!!

    Thursday 13 October 2011

    my class

     Now,it times is 5.00 class computer graphics is cancel.I dont know what happen to madem Nurhanim cancel.So have some time to write my blogger!!I cannot back to my college now because i have discussion in my group about role play for "english communication".I all ready for discussion and i very happy because my group is the best!!ok,i have stop now because the batery computer is low,i just 7% only batery.bye-bye

    Tuesday 11 October 2011


    today is a second blog  i create.this is because the fist blog i can't to i create a new i want to say sorry to my lecture miss fairus because i must start a new jouney in my life to my i start about my blog about my i have a class english communication.i think my group is a my old group but my forum groub is a my real group i try to close to a new members and i want to say thank you to my malaysian  friend in my group because help me in this group.Now my time is a 0815,i have a meating at think just stop my jouney now.
    bye bye..