Monday 19 December 2011

Story about Snow White.

   Once upon a time as a queen sits sewing at her window, she pricks her finger on her needle and three drops of blood fall on the snow that had fallen on her ebony window frame. As she looks at the blood on the snow, she says to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony". Soon after that, the queen gives birth to a baby girl who has skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They name her Princess Snow White. As soon as the child is born, the queen dies.
  Soon after, the king takes a new wife, who is beautiful but also very vain. The new queen possesses a magical mirror, an animate object that answers any question, to whom she often asks: "Mirror, mirror on the wall / Who is the fairest of them all?" (in German "Spieglein, Spieglein, an der Wand / Wer ist die Schönste im ganzen Land?"; in Italian "Specchio, servo delle mie brame, chi è la più bella di tutto il reame?" ) to which the mirror always replies "You, my queen, are fairest of all." But when Snow White reaches the age of seven, she becomes as beautiful as the day, and when the queen asks her mirror, it responds: "Queen, you are full fair, 'tis true, but Snow White is fairer than you." Though in another version, the mirror simply replies: "Snow White is the fairest of them all."
The queen becomes jealous, and orders a huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. She demands that the huntsman, as proof of killing Snow White, return with her lungs and her liver. The huntsman takes Snow White into the forest, but after raising his knife to stab her, he finds himself unable to kill her as he has fallen deeply in love with her. Instead, he lets her go, telling her to flee and hide from the Queen. He then brings the queen the lungs and the liver of a boar, which is prepared by the cook and eaten by the queen.
In the forest, Snow White discovers a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarves, where she rests. There, the dwarves take pity on her, saying "If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want." They warn her to take care and let no one in when they are away delving in the mountains. Meanwhile, the Queen asks her mirror once again "Who's the fairest of them all?", and is horrified to learn that Snow White is not only alive and well and living with the dwarves, but is still the fairest of them all.
Three times the Queen disguises herself and visits the dwarves' cottage while they are away during the day, trying to kill Snow White. First, disguised as a peddler, the Queen offers colorful stay-laces and laces Snow White up so tight that she faints, causing the Queen to leave her dead on the floor. However, Snow White is revived by the dwarves when they loosen the laces. Next, the Queen dresses as a different old woman and brushes Snow White's hair with a poisoned comb. Snow White again collapses, but again is saved by the dwarves. Finally, the Queen makes a poisoned apple, and in the disguise of a farmer's wife, offers it to Snow White. When she is hesitant to accept it, the Queen cuts the apple in half, eats the white part and gives the poisoned red part to Snow White. She eats the apple eagerly and immediately falls into a deep stupor. When the dwarves find her, they cannot revive her, and they place her in a glass coffin, assuming that she is dead.
Time passes, and a prince traveling through the land sees Snow White. He strides to her coffin. The prince is enchanted by her beauty and instantly falls in love with her. He begs the dwarves to let him have the coffin. The prince's servants carry the coffin away. While doing so, they stumble on some roots and the movement causes the piece of poisoned apple to dislodge from Snow White's throat, awakening her. The prince then declares his love for her and soon a wedding is planned.
The vain Queen, still believing that Snow White is dead, once again asks her mirror who is the fairest in the land, and yet again the mirror disappoints her by responding that "You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you."
   Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrives at the wedding, and her heart fills with the deepest of dread when she realizes the truth. As punishment for her wicked ways, a pair of heated iron shoes are brought forth with tongs and placed before the Queen. She is then forced to step into the iron shoes and dance until she drops dead. (Other versions imply that she dies of a heart attack.)

Birtday party ideas!

   Birthday Parties for children are getting more elaborate and original everyday. Sometimes a kids birthday party with a simple theme just isn't enough. If you are one of those people who like to create kids birthday parties that are special and unique, parties that your guests and children will remember forever, then these ideas should help get you on your way to a most unforgettable birthday party.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Tembok Besar China

     The first great wall was built during the First Emperor Qin Dynasty. Great Wall was built by combining several existing walls built in the Warring States Period. The original Great Wall is located north of the Great Wall that still exists today, and reached the eastern end of North Korea today. But most of the first great wall have been destroyed.

The Government has instructed the farmers to build this wall, and many died while building it. Therefore, it is also called "the longest cemetery on Earth".
The view from the tower observer 

Great Wall we see today is the result of the development of the Ming Dynasty. The interior of the wall containing soil mixed with rocks. Uppers made ​​the main road for the cavalry of China. It is much stronger and longer lasting. The main function of this barrier is to prevent attacks of nomadic tribes from the north.Great Wall of the Ming Dinasty began in the east of Shanhai Fortress, near Qinhuangdao in Hebei Region. It is through the nine provinces, 100 districts and the last 500 km to the west is completely destroyed. At the western end of the day is located in historic Jiayuguan (Jiayu fortress) in northwestern Gansu Province, at the end of the Silk Road

Dangers of mobile phone

Study of a neurosurgeon Professor Dr. Vini Gautam Khurana from the U.S. to prove the use of mobile phones for 10 years can double the possibility of brain cancer. He has won 14 awards and published over 36 scientific papers have been carrying out the study for 15 months to find a link between cell phone use and brain tumors.

    Although previous research has been done by many scientists around the globe, the difference with Professor Khurana is that he took samples from among hardcore users mobile phones 10 years ago because he found that cancer cells take at least 10 years to develop.

   He said, smoking kills 5 million people each year and mobile phone users are more than 3 billion and growing. This proves that mobile phones will be the 'killer agents' something more than smoking a few years. Even cell phone use among young children are more dangerous because they are more impressed by the radiation than adults.

   Thus, the CAP has called on the government-offering menwar Professor Khurana that the people know the dangers of mobile phone and take preventive measures such as using the speakerphone with a distance of 20cm when speaking.

Saudi Arabbia..

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Arabic: المملكة العربية السعودية‎ al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Sa‘ūdiyyah ), commonly known in British English as Saudi Arabia,is the largest state in Western Asia by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the second-largest in the Arab World. It is bordered by Jordan, and Iraq on the north and northeast, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirateson the east, Oman on the southeast, and Yemen on the south.The Red Sea lies to its west, and the Persian Gulf lies to the northeast. Saudi Arabia has an area of approximately 2,149,690 km2 (830,000 sq mi), and it has an estimated population of 27 million, of which 8.8 million are registered foreign expatriates and an estimated 1.5 million are illegal immigrants. Saudi nationals comprise an estimated 16 million people.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdul-Aziz bin Saud (known for most of his career as Ibn Saud) in 1932, although the conquests which eventually led to the creation of the Kingdom began in 1902 when he captured Riyadh, the ancestral home of his family, the House of Saud, referred to in Arabic as the Al Saud. The Saudi Arabian government, which has been an absolute monarchy since its inception, refers to its system of government as being Islamic, though this is contested by many due to its strong basis in Salafism, a minority school of thought in Islam. The kingdom is sometimes called "The Land of the Two Holy Mosques" in reference to Al-Masjid al-Haram (in Mecca), and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (in Medina), the two holiest places in Islam.